live to ride, ride to live!

Get a bike, and chase your dreams!




Enjoy the best design and function combined together

A wonder of Harley Davidsons 2023 lineup. Checking this out makes you truly evaluate all those Electric Dreams Stirring Hollywood in the not so blockbuster sci-fi Electric Dreams back in 2017. Rest easy, this bike spins a twist, with an all electric running system from the Live Wire lab in California. Cost? $17,699.00 from the HD Production line in York, Pennsylvania. The first electric bike from LiveWire was discontinued in 2021. Not bad on the eyes and a huge cost break in comparison to the $30,000 price tage of the first electric bike offer with Harley Davidson ties.

About us- Korrupted Riderz, Inc= Krincs
That's You Already

A Krinc is a Korrupted script, where normal living, is replaced with a ride to live mentality, and a love for the open road, a bike and a horizon that is left untouched. Perplexed by warm air that embraces you, the Krinc. We are the Bikers and Riders respectively.